It's interesting to watch people. Heads down looking at a cell phone or heads up talking on one, rather oblivious of the world around them, cruising along on auto-pilot, in a hurry to go nowhere fast, always the thought of 'what do I do next?' on their radar; invisible lists of items to check off running through their minds. It's not just cell phone users's all of us. We're so busy working, planning and buying that we have to schedule down-time...if we remember to do it. Stress is through the the workplace, in schools and in the home. Folks, it's time to slow down.
We've lost our connection to each other, and in doing so we've lost our connection to spirit. In our eagerness to keep up with everyone else, to keep moving forward, to make a decent wage and to raise and school our children the 'right' way, we've forgotten how to just BE. Breathe. Pause. Reflect. Be grateful. The heart connection to creation has withered, but it isn't dead. It's slowly coming back to life again with the help of the lightworkers on this planet and that of spirit. This is what 2012 is all about....not the end of the world but the end of living through the ego. We are moving steadily into the age of living through the heart.
The past two thousand years or so have been critically important in earth's development. We've made huge industrial and technological advances necessary for living well. But these have come at terrific cost to the health of our planet and the spiritual well-being of all of us. We've forgotten that all of life is connected...plant, animal, person, universe and spirit. What affects one affects all because in reality we are ONE. Separateness does not exist.
Becoming consciously aware of the world around us...being in the imperative. The blinders must come off and we must start thinking with the heart. That's where the truth lies...the hotline connection to spirit. How many of us can do absolutely nothing for a period of time...even just five minutes? Does an hour of just being make you sweat with anxiety? If the answer is yes, consider why. The majority of us either exist in the past, re-living the hurts and pains inflicted on us by others... which leads to depression....or we live in the future, worrying about what's to come next and feeling the anxiety that goes with that. Clarity and peace come with pausing and living in the now...the present moment.
Slowing down and going within connects you to truth, and when that happens you wake up and awareness builds. Earth is a living, breathing being and she has suffered from humanity's sleep. The animals, the environment and earth's people have all been harmed.
We have entered a new age...the age of consciousness. The lighworkers now on earth have a big job to do, and they are making huge strides through every means available. Activism is at an all-time high. Spirit is absolutely pounding earth with positive, loving energy. Can you feel it? Can you feel the change happening? I hope so, as this is an exciting time to be here.
Take some time today and just be...go outside if you can and connect to nature's healing energy. Breathe deeply.. Relax. Rejuvenate. Make it a daily habit to pause and connect to spirit. A few minutes is all it takes. :)