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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fear: the gift that keeps on giving...and giving...and giving...

We humans just thrive on negativity don't we?  Fear controls our lives, and what's worse? We allow it.  We wallow in it.  We perpetuate it.  What a miserable way to live.

How many of us actually see what's happening on planet Earth?  The tide of fear has been rising at an alarming rate, threatening to engulf us all.  Don't know what I'm talking about?  Well, pull up a chair and turn on your tv!   Before you get lost in the latest reality episode of people behaving badly, take a careful look at the advertising.   Afraid of getting older? There's a cream, spackle or injection for that. Afraid of not having the latest techno gizmo because you'll look a fool in front of your up-to-the-minute friends?  Well what are you waiting for? Get in line (preferably the night before) and save your cool.  Afraid of missing out on those athletic shoes available only in "limited quantities?"  Egads, get thyself to the store and cause a near-riot with other like-minded individuals.  How about a tracking device for your kids, your dog and your car?  An attorney that can sue that (fill in the blank) so you get your share of the kitty?  Maybe a handgun from Joe's Shoot First, Ask Questions Later ammo store?

Fear is the common denominator, and we let it control us because it's so darned hard to put on the brakes and say "wait a minute."  It's way easier to let that black tide carry us away with the rest of the fish then it is to grow legs and step out of the water.  That's evolution, and we're way overdue folks.

Watch the news, read the paper, turn on the internet.  Tragedy, pain and horror not only draw an audience but perpetuate fear...and fear sells.  Big-time.  I don't know the percentage of bad news vs good news presented to the public, but if I had to guess I'd say that bad news makes up 90% of the stories.  At least that's my observation.  Positivity only makes the news as an aside, maybe a feel-good blurb-of-the-day.  It's not the focus, but it should be. 

The only way we're going to turn the tide of negativity is by focusing our attention on what's good, kind and decent in this world.   What I don't get is why the media fails to understand that putting the spotlight on the positive causes the same chain reaction as reporting the negative...with one important difference.  Love is the end result...not fear.  And that is what will turn this world around.   People are starving for good in a world that's thriving on bad.  I dare to say it would sell better than fear.   I'd like to see a news channel with all good news, all the time.  I would like to see celebrities and people in positions of authority  say "yeah, I watch that show.  It's great."  I'd like to see prisons turn it on and schools recommend it to their students.  I'd like to see the White House back it up, and parents watch it with their children.  Forget the reality stuff. It's depressing.

Imagine...instead of the crime stats or the latest murder being discussed around the water cooler, people are talking about the great story they saw on feel-good tv, and maybe....just and the rest of the world might be inspired to sow more seeds of kindness, and make this world a better place.  

Evolution.  Yeah, baby.

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"As to the constructive forces--know that the spiritual is the source of health, of light, of understanding, and necessarily the source of all happiness."
Edgar Cayce