I saw an interesting clip on tv the other day. It showed families across America preparing for worst-case scenarios i.e. weather disasters, terrorist attacks, biological warfare, martian invasion etc. etc. You name it, they were getting ready...stocking up on gas masks, food, medical supplies, and building bomb-proof shelters. Some were armed to the teeth and had the attitude that nobody was going to get near and take what was theirs. They were protecting their home, property and family from whatever threat appeared on the scene.
Now that's living a fear-based life....to the n'th degree.
Admittedly, the world is in upheaval right now. Mother Earth is letting mankind know just how unhappy she is, doing everything possible to get our attention. I think she's succeeded. The media lets us know instantly of the latest bombing, militant attack or dangerous microbe out to get us. Crime stats, economic problems, global warming, political in-fighting, injustices of every kind...these make up the preponderance of the news. Makes one want to tell Puxatawney Phil to move over thankyouverymuch.
The bad news is too many people are living this fear-based life.
The good news is that it's not going to last. These crazy goings-on are necessary as the earth is in transmutation mode. It's the dawning of the age of Aquarius baby. :)
The old is leaving, making way for the new, and this is an exciting time. The new energies coming into the planet are forcing the old ones-- the fear-based energies, the basis of all negativity--out. Change is hard, however, and lots of folks are still holding on tight to those things they've always known, even when those attitudes no longer serve their best interest, or the greater good.
Ye olde programming must go the way of all things antiquated and no longer of use...out ye olde door.
Mankind is evolving...whether we like it or not. Love-based energy is flooding the earth, and people are no longer tolerating greed, environmental destruction and inhumane treatment of all earth's citizens...animals included. We are starting....starting...to realize they we are all connected to each other, and that what happens to one, happens to all. We can't live in our bubbles of ignorance and insensitivity any longer. We're being called to live up to our true potential as divine creators. Now, not later.
This is going to take some time, but positive changes have already begun. Lighworkers everywhere are being activated...called to divine duty. Being on the frontline is kind of rough at times....few understand what it means....but those of us called up surely do....at the deepest level. Call it spreading the love, waking folks up, pointing the way or all of those. It's an honor and a joy to be employed by God, inc.
Those folks preparing for doomsday? They have nothing to worry about. 2012 is not about the end of all things....it's about a new beginning, and oneness is the result. So, adios to fear, and hello to evolution.
Darwin would be proud.
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