Don't you think it's time?
A gifted angel intutitive friend, Eddie Mullins, put it beautifully: "Memorizing battle dates in the school systems..does it serve a purpose for life? How about teaching self love skills?" Eddie, I couldn't agree more.
In the wake of yesterday's tragedy in Connecticut, it's all too easy to begin pointing the shooter, at the gun lobby, at video games and violence in our world. I don't like the word 'blame' as there really is no place for's a useless word without truth that only serves to continue negative talk and feelings. Ditch it.
We have some seriously hurting people in this world, and as we move into this new age of awareness, we absolutely must teach our children to love themselves JUST AS THEY ARE....right this moment. Self-perceived flaws are illusions. We all do the best we can at any given time with the knowledge we have. If parents would teach their children this concept and back it up with unconditional love, the number of people suffering for lack of it would diminish considerably. Schools need to reinforce it. I'm not talking about religion...I'm talking about spirituality.
Quite simply, spirituality is self-awareness. Who are you, really? Why are you here and where do you come from? Every single one of us wants the answers to these questions, and kids are wide open to learning them. Teaching children that they are perfectly created and that love for themselves will ensure a happy life is critical. Without it, children grow up doubting themselves (am I normal?) and their ability to love and be loved by others. Pain and insecurity take root, and a young life is burdened by fear and it's noticeable signs: anger, guilt, blame and unforgiveness.
Yes, indeed, the truth will set us free. The fact is, we are all made of love, by love and for love. We are loved unconditionally by spirit. We must do the same for ourselves. Our children are counting on us to show them the way. Parents, you are lightworkers for your chldren. Shine your light on the truth and watch your children grow up secure and confident. We can completely eliminate violence in our schools if we open our hearts and minds completely. It CAN be done....we just need to lose the fear factor.
Children must learn to know and love themselves before they can truly love another. They need the right tools to equip them for a healthy, happy life. Self-love is the most important one. :)
What do you think? Do you believe spirituality should be taught in schools? I'd love to hear some opinions.
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