Don't you think it's time?
A gifted angel intutitive friend, Eddie Mullins, put it beautifully: "Memorizing battle dates in the school systems..does it serve a purpose for life? How about teaching self love skills?" Eddie, I couldn't agree more.
In the wake of yesterday's tragedy in Connecticut, it's all too easy to begin pointing the shooter, at the gun lobby, at video games and violence in our world. I don't like the word 'blame' as there really is no place for's a useless word without truth that only serves to continue negative talk and feelings. Ditch it.
We have some seriously hurting people in this world, and as we move into this new age of awareness, we absolutely must teach our children to love themselves JUST AS THEY ARE....right this moment. Self-perceived flaws are illusions. We all do the best we can at any given time with the knowledge we have. If parents would teach their children this concept and back it up with unconditional love, the number of people suffering for lack of it would diminish considerably. Schools need to reinforce it. I'm not talking about religion...I'm talking about spirituality.
Quite simply, spirituality is self-awareness. Who are you, really? Why are you here and where do you come from? Every single one of us wants the answers to these questions, and kids are wide open to learning them. Teaching children that they are perfectly created and that love for themselves will ensure a happy life is critical. Without it, children grow up doubting themselves (am I normal?) and their ability to love and be loved by others. Pain and insecurity take root, and a young life is burdened by fear and it's noticeable signs: anger, guilt, blame and unforgiveness.
Yes, indeed, the truth will set us free. The fact is, we are all made of love, by love and for love. We are loved unconditionally by spirit. We must do the same for ourselves. Our children are counting on us to show them the way. Parents, you are lightworkers for your chldren. Shine your light on the truth and watch your children grow up secure and confident. We can completely eliminate violence in our schools if we open our hearts and minds completely. It CAN be done....we just need to lose the fear factor.
Children must learn to know and love themselves before they can truly love another. They need the right tools to equip them for a healthy, happy life. Self-love is the most important one. :)
What do you think? Do you believe spirituality should be taught in schools? I'd love to hear some opinions.
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Spiritual Highway
One way of looking at spiritual awakening/consciousness is to imagine yourself and everyone else on a winding highway...driving along in the lane of your choice. The right lane is for those puttering along at a slower pace. They take their time, noticing their surroundings sometimes but not always. They're not too aware of other drivers unless a near-collision snaps them awake, and then they let loose with a good curse or some serious road rage. The right lane is crowded. These drivers can't see the road too well either as the windshield is pretty dirty....but then they really haven't noticed it is...or why. Their thoughts are in the past or the future, they're not focused on the present...awareness is fleeting. But over time...a little or a's a personal choice...they get tired of the right lane. They begin to notice the middle lane and wonder what it would be like to move over if they could only let go of the fear of doing so. Finally....they decide it's worth it...they're tired and they want something better...something different...and they put on the turn signal.
The middle lane. :) This lane is for the cruisers...the wide-awake drivers. The challenges of driving in the right lane have intitiated a change, and they're open for more information, more willing to see the truth. These folks have turned on the wipers and washer fluid as they suddenly realized their view is obstructed by a lot of road dirt: judgment, anger, resentment and fear. They can see more clearly now and notice the other drivers on the highway with them. Perhaps they spot a bumper sticker on another car stating "Coexist" or "All You Need is Love." Hmmm, the cruisers think...that makes a lot of sense. Those other drivers have a point. They start looking for more and more bumper stickers...maybe some billboards along the side of the road. What else is out there? They're traveling at a good, steady speed. They're feeling pretty good and are courteous to their fellow drivers. They are living in the 'now' because they've realized it's a healthier place to be. Stress and anxiety were what they knew in the right lane. Peace is much better. They're good to themselves as well...stopping occasionally for a vacation or some me-time. They have realized how special they truly are and are beginning to notice that someone else is in their car with them, but who?
Then there's the fast lane. These folks have chosen the fast track. They want to get where they're going--which is the same for everyone--faster. They're not only seeing clearly through a sparkling windshield, but they're UNDERSTANDING too. They understand who they are, why they're on the road and where they're going. They see every car, every driver, and it doesn't bother them a bit if someone else thinks their car is ugly, old, too big or too small. They're at peace with themselves and everyone else. They realize and accept their true identity, and they pull over on the shoulder frequently to help out another driver. Somehow doing so re-fills their gas tank and ZOOM! They're off again. It's a thrilling ride. These folks are the lightworkers of the world...the activists, civil rights leaders, champions of the poor and sick....the change-initiators. They love the fast lane and trust that they won't crash because they have a navigator in the front seat--someone clearly seen and heard--spirit.
Of course the highway has exits that everyone takes from time to time. They're marked JOB LOSS or CAREER CHANGE, GRIEF, ADDICTION, DEPRESSION etc etc. We all spend some time here or at other exits before moving back onto the road. Some of us never do, however, and these drivers need extra love, attention and prayers to help them back on--from others certainly, but most importantly, from self. That's the key.
The world is awakening and a new age is dawning. More and more drivers will be moving into the middle lane, and new drivers are being born into the fast lane at a record pace. The highway is smoothing out, and new road signs are beginning to be be felt on a physical and emotional level. So...which lane are you in presently? If it's the right one, are you up for a lane change? :)
The middle lane. :) This lane is for the cruisers...the wide-awake drivers. The challenges of driving in the right lane have intitiated a change, and they're open for more information, more willing to see the truth. These folks have turned on the wipers and washer fluid as they suddenly realized their view is obstructed by a lot of road dirt: judgment, anger, resentment and fear. They can see more clearly now and notice the other drivers on the highway with them. Perhaps they spot a bumper sticker on another car stating "Coexist" or "All You Need is Love." Hmmm, the cruisers think...that makes a lot of sense. Those other drivers have a point. They start looking for more and more bumper stickers...maybe some billboards along the side of the road. What else is out there? They're traveling at a good, steady speed. They're feeling pretty good and are courteous to their fellow drivers. They are living in the 'now' because they've realized it's a healthier place to be. Stress and anxiety were what they knew in the right lane. Peace is much better. They're good to themselves as well...stopping occasionally for a vacation or some me-time. They have realized how special they truly are and are beginning to notice that someone else is in their car with them, but who?
Then there's the fast lane. These folks have chosen the fast track. They want to get where they're going--which is the same for everyone--faster. They're not only seeing clearly through a sparkling windshield, but they're UNDERSTANDING too. They understand who they are, why they're on the road and where they're going. They see every car, every driver, and it doesn't bother them a bit if someone else thinks their car is ugly, old, too big or too small. They're at peace with themselves and everyone else. They realize and accept their true identity, and they pull over on the shoulder frequently to help out another driver. Somehow doing so re-fills their gas tank and ZOOM! They're off again. It's a thrilling ride. These folks are the lightworkers of the world...the activists, civil rights leaders, champions of the poor and sick....the change-initiators. They love the fast lane and trust that they won't crash because they have a navigator in the front seat--someone clearly seen and heard--spirit.
Of course the highway has exits that everyone takes from time to time. They're marked JOB LOSS or CAREER CHANGE, GRIEF, ADDICTION, DEPRESSION etc etc. We all spend some time here or at other exits before moving back onto the road. Some of us never do, however, and these drivers need extra love, attention and prayers to help them back on--from others certainly, but most importantly, from self. That's the key.
The world is awakening and a new age is dawning. More and more drivers will be moving into the middle lane, and new drivers are being born into the fast lane at a record pace. The highway is smoothing out, and new road signs are beginning to be be felt on a physical and emotional level. So...which lane are you in presently? If it's the right one, are you up for a lane change? :)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Evolution, baby!
I saw an interesting clip on tv the other day. It showed families across America preparing for worst-case scenarios i.e. weather disasters, terrorist attacks, biological warfare, martian invasion etc. etc. You name it, they were getting ready...stocking up on gas masks, food, medical supplies, and building bomb-proof shelters. Some were armed to the teeth and had the attitude that nobody was going to get near and take what was theirs. They were protecting their home, property and family from whatever threat appeared on the scene.
Now that's living a fear-based the n'th degree.
Admittedly, the world is in upheaval right now. Mother Earth is letting mankind know just how unhappy she is, doing everything possible to get our attention. I think she's succeeded. The media lets us know instantly of the latest bombing, militant attack or dangerous microbe out to get us. Crime stats, economic problems, global warming, political in-fighting, injustices of every kind...these make up the preponderance of the news. Makes one want to tell Puxatawney Phil to move over thankyouverymuch.
The bad news is too many people are living this fear-based life.
The good news is that it's not going to last. These crazy goings-on are necessary as the earth is in transmutation mode. It's the dawning of the age of Aquarius baby. :)
The old is leaving, making way for the new, and this is an exciting time. The new energies coming into the planet are forcing the old ones-- the fear-based energies, the basis of all negativity--out. Change is hard, however, and lots of folks are still holding on tight to those things they've always known, even when those attitudes no longer serve their best interest, or the greater good.
Ye olde programming must go the way of all things antiquated and no longer of use...out ye olde door.
Mankind is evolving...whether we like it or not. Love-based energy is flooding the earth, and people are no longer tolerating greed, environmental destruction and inhumane treatment of all earth's citizens...animals included. We are realize they we are all connected to each other, and that what happens to one, happens to all. We can't live in our bubbles of ignorance and insensitivity any longer. We're being called to live up to our true potential as divine creators. Now, not later.
This is going to take some time, but positive changes have already begun. Lighworkers everywhere are being activated...called to divine duty. Being on the frontline is kind of rough at times....few understand what it means....but those of us called up surely the deepest level. Call it spreading the love, waking folks up, pointing the way or all of those. It's an honor and a joy to be employed by God, inc.
Those folks preparing for doomsday? They have nothing to worry about. 2012 is not about the end of all's about a new beginning, and oneness is the result. So, adios to fear, and hello to evolution.
Darwin would be proud.
Now that's living a fear-based the n'th degree.
Admittedly, the world is in upheaval right now. Mother Earth is letting mankind know just how unhappy she is, doing everything possible to get our attention. I think she's succeeded. The media lets us know instantly of the latest bombing, militant attack or dangerous microbe out to get us. Crime stats, economic problems, global warming, political in-fighting, injustices of every kind...these make up the preponderance of the news. Makes one want to tell Puxatawney Phil to move over thankyouverymuch.
The bad news is too many people are living this fear-based life.
The good news is that it's not going to last. These crazy goings-on are necessary as the earth is in transmutation mode. It's the dawning of the age of Aquarius baby. :)
The old is leaving, making way for the new, and this is an exciting time. The new energies coming into the planet are forcing the old ones-- the fear-based energies, the basis of all negativity--out. Change is hard, however, and lots of folks are still holding on tight to those things they've always known, even when those attitudes no longer serve their best interest, or the greater good.
Ye olde programming must go the way of all things antiquated and no longer of use...out ye olde door.
Mankind is evolving...whether we like it or not. Love-based energy is flooding the earth, and people are no longer tolerating greed, environmental destruction and inhumane treatment of all earth's citizens...animals included. We are realize they we are all connected to each other, and that what happens to one, happens to all. We can't live in our bubbles of ignorance and insensitivity any longer. We're being called to live up to our true potential as divine creators. Now, not later.
This is going to take some time, but positive changes have already begun. Lighworkers everywhere are being activated...called to divine duty. Being on the frontline is kind of rough at times....few understand what it means....but those of us called up surely the deepest level. Call it spreading the love, waking folks up, pointing the way or all of those. It's an honor and a joy to be employed by God, inc.
Those folks preparing for doomsday? They have nothing to worry about. 2012 is not about the end of all's about a new beginning, and oneness is the result. So, adios to fear, and hello to evolution.
Darwin would be proud.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
On living in the 'now'
It's interesting to watch people. Heads down looking at a cell phone or heads up talking on one, rather oblivious of the world around them, cruising along on auto-pilot, in a hurry to go nowhere fast, always the thought of 'what do I do next?' on their radar; invisible lists of items to check off running through their minds. It's not just cell phone users's all of us. We're so busy working, planning and buying that we have to schedule down-time...if we remember to do it. Stress is through the the workplace, in schools and in the home. Folks, it's time to slow down.
We've lost our connection to each other, and in doing so we've lost our connection to spirit. In our eagerness to keep up with everyone else, to keep moving forward, to make a decent wage and to raise and school our children the 'right' way, we've forgotten how to just BE. Breathe. Pause. Reflect. Be grateful. The heart connection to creation has withered, but it isn't dead. It's slowly coming back to life again with the help of the lightworkers on this planet and that of spirit. This is what 2012 is all about....not the end of the world but the end of living through the ego. We are moving steadily into the age of living through the heart.
The past two thousand years or so have been critically important in earth's development. We've made huge industrial and technological advances necessary for living well. But these have come at terrific cost to the health of our planet and the spiritual well-being of all of us. We've forgotten that all of life is connected...plant, animal, person, universe and spirit. What affects one affects all because in reality we are ONE. Separateness does not exist.
Becoming consciously aware of the world around us...being in the imperative. The blinders must come off and we must start thinking with the heart. That's where the truth lies...the hotline connection to spirit. How many of us can do absolutely nothing for a period of time...even just five minutes? Does an hour of just being make you sweat with anxiety? If the answer is yes, consider why. The majority of us either exist in the past, re-living the hurts and pains inflicted on us by others... which leads to depression....or we live in the future, worrying about what's to come next and feeling the anxiety that goes with that. Clarity and peace come with pausing and living in the now...the present moment.
Slowing down and going within connects you to truth, and when that happens you wake up and awareness builds. Earth is a living, breathing being and she has suffered from humanity's sleep. The animals, the environment and earth's people have all been harmed.
We have entered a new age...the age of consciousness. The lighworkers now on earth have a big job to do, and they are making huge strides through every means available. Activism is at an all-time high. Spirit is absolutely pounding earth with positive, loving energy. Can you feel it? Can you feel the change happening? I hope so, as this is an exciting time to be here.
Take some time today and just be...go outside if you can and connect to nature's healing energy. Breathe deeply.. Relax. Rejuvenate. Make it a daily habit to pause and connect to spirit. A few minutes is all it takes. :)
We've lost our connection to each other, and in doing so we've lost our connection to spirit. In our eagerness to keep up with everyone else, to keep moving forward, to make a decent wage and to raise and school our children the 'right' way, we've forgotten how to just BE. Breathe. Pause. Reflect. Be grateful. The heart connection to creation has withered, but it isn't dead. It's slowly coming back to life again with the help of the lightworkers on this planet and that of spirit. This is what 2012 is all about....not the end of the world but the end of living through the ego. We are moving steadily into the age of living through the heart.
The past two thousand years or so have been critically important in earth's development. We've made huge industrial and technological advances necessary for living well. But these have come at terrific cost to the health of our planet and the spiritual well-being of all of us. We've forgotten that all of life is connected...plant, animal, person, universe and spirit. What affects one affects all because in reality we are ONE. Separateness does not exist.
Becoming consciously aware of the world around us...being in the imperative. The blinders must come off and we must start thinking with the heart. That's where the truth lies...the hotline connection to spirit. How many of us can do absolutely nothing for a period of time...even just five minutes? Does an hour of just being make you sweat with anxiety? If the answer is yes, consider why. The majority of us either exist in the past, re-living the hurts and pains inflicted on us by others... which leads to depression....or we live in the future, worrying about what's to come next and feeling the anxiety that goes with that. Clarity and peace come with pausing and living in the now...the present moment.
Slowing down and going within connects you to truth, and when that happens you wake up and awareness builds. Earth is a living, breathing being and she has suffered from humanity's sleep. The animals, the environment and earth's people have all been harmed.
We have entered a new age...the age of consciousness. The lighworkers now on earth have a big job to do, and they are making huge strides through every means available. Activism is at an all-time high. Spirit is absolutely pounding earth with positive, loving energy. Can you feel it? Can you feel the change happening? I hope so, as this is an exciting time to be here.
Take some time today and just be...go outside if you can and connect to nature's healing energy. Breathe deeply.. Relax. Rejuvenate. Make it a daily habit to pause and connect to spirit. A few minutes is all it takes. :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Free Tembo and Sunda: Why Retire Tembo and Sunda from the Topeka Zoo to ...
Free Tembo and Sunda: Why Retire Tembo and Sunda from the Topeka Zoo to ...: Here are just a few compelling and urgent reasons why Tembo and Sunda should be given the gift of freedom to live their remaining years at...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Fear: the gift that keeps on giving...and giving...and giving...
We humans just thrive on negativity don't we? Fear controls our lives, and what's worse? We allow it. We wallow in it. We perpetuate it. What a miserable way to live.
How many of us actually see what's happening on planet Earth? The tide of fear has been rising at an alarming rate, threatening to engulf us all. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, pull up a chair and turn on your tv! Before you get lost in the latest reality episode of people behaving badly, take a careful look at the advertising. Afraid of getting older? There's a cream, spackle or injection for that. Afraid of not having the latest techno gizmo because you'll look a fool in front of your up-to-the-minute friends? Well what are you waiting for? Get in line (preferably the night before) and save your cool. Afraid of missing out on those athletic shoes available only in "limited quantities?" Egads, get thyself to the store and cause a near-riot with other like-minded individuals. How about a tracking device for your kids, your dog and your car? An attorney that can sue that (fill in the blank) so you get your share of the kitty? Maybe a handgun from Joe's Shoot First, Ask Questions Later ammo store?
Fear is the common denominator, and we let it control us because it's so darned hard to put on the brakes and say "wait a minute." It's way easier to let that black tide carry us away with the rest of the fish then it is to grow legs and step out of the water. That's evolution, and we're way overdue folks.
Watch the news, read the paper, turn on the internet. Tragedy, pain and horror not only draw an audience but perpetuate fear...and fear sells. Big-time. I don't know the percentage of bad news vs good news presented to the public, but if I had to guess I'd say that bad news makes up 90% of the stories. At least that's my observation. Positivity only makes the news as an aside, maybe a feel-good blurb-of-the-day. It's not the focus, but it should be.
The only way we're going to turn the tide of negativity is by focusing our attention on what's good, kind and decent in this world. What I don't get is why the media fails to understand that putting the spotlight on the positive causes the same chain reaction as reporting the negative...with one important difference. Love is the end result...not fear. And that is what will turn this world around. People are starving for good in a world that's thriving on bad. I dare to say it would sell better than fear. I'd like to see a news channel with all good news, all the time. I would like to see celebrities and people in positions of authority say "yeah, I watch that show. It's great." I'd like to see prisons turn it on and schools recommend it to their students. I'd like to see the White House back it up, and parents watch it with their children. Forget the reality stuff. It's depressing.
Imagine...instead of the crime stats or the latest murder being discussed around the water cooler, people are talking about the great story they saw on feel-good tv, and maybe....just and the rest of the world might be inspired to sow more seeds of kindness, and make this world a better place.
Evolution. Yeah, baby.
How many of us actually see what's happening on planet Earth? The tide of fear has been rising at an alarming rate, threatening to engulf us all. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, pull up a chair and turn on your tv! Before you get lost in the latest reality episode of people behaving badly, take a careful look at the advertising. Afraid of getting older? There's a cream, spackle or injection for that. Afraid of not having the latest techno gizmo because you'll look a fool in front of your up-to-the-minute friends? Well what are you waiting for? Get in line (preferably the night before) and save your cool. Afraid of missing out on those athletic shoes available only in "limited quantities?" Egads, get thyself to the store and cause a near-riot with other like-minded individuals. How about a tracking device for your kids, your dog and your car? An attorney that can sue that (fill in the blank) so you get your share of the kitty? Maybe a handgun from Joe's Shoot First, Ask Questions Later ammo store?
Fear is the common denominator, and we let it control us because it's so darned hard to put on the brakes and say "wait a minute." It's way easier to let that black tide carry us away with the rest of the fish then it is to grow legs and step out of the water. That's evolution, and we're way overdue folks.
Watch the news, read the paper, turn on the internet. Tragedy, pain and horror not only draw an audience but perpetuate fear...and fear sells. Big-time. I don't know the percentage of bad news vs good news presented to the public, but if I had to guess I'd say that bad news makes up 90% of the stories. At least that's my observation. Positivity only makes the news as an aside, maybe a feel-good blurb-of-the-day. It's not the focus, but it should be.
The only way we're going to turn the tide of negativity is by focusing our attention on what's good, kind and decent in this world. What I don't get is why the media fails to understand that putting the spotlight on the positive causes the same chain reaction as reporting the negative...with one important difference. Love is the end result...not fear. And that is what will turn this world around. People are starving for good in a world that's thriving on bad. I dare to say it would sell better than fear. I'd like to see a news channel with all good news, all the time. I would like to see celebrities and people in positions of authority say "yeah, I watch that show. It's great." I'd like to see prisons turn it on and schools recommend it to their students. I'd like to see the White House back it up, and parents watch it with their children. Forget the reality stuff. It's depressing.
Imagine...instead of the crime stats or the latest murder being discussed around the water cooler, people are talking about the great story they saw on feel-good tv, and maybe....just and the rest of the world might be inspired to sow more seeds of kindness, and make this world a better place.
Evolution. Yeah, baby.
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"As to the constructive forces--know that the spiritual is the source of health, of light, of understanding, and necessarily the source of all happiness."
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce