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Monday, September 12, 2011

A tough topic

Knowing how the topics of child abuse and cancer are difficult for many to think about let alone talk about,  I'm pretty certain that few people are comfortable reading my blogEven fewer will be at ease with posting a response.  That's ok.   I expect that.  My own family is probably uneasy, but rest assured that even though I'm bringing this "out of the closet,"  there are some things that won't be shared here out of respect for those I love.  

I was thinking about how many people don't like to get involved when they know or suspect that something isn't quite right with another person.  Whether it's abuse or cancer, it's far easier to turn away or pretend you don't see.  "It's not my business" is often cited as the reason.  Sticking one's neck out on behalf of another is hard to're taking a risk of course, but isn't the welfare of another human being worth it?  

Most folks would say that we're all individual...separate and apart from everyone else.   I don't believe so.   All life--human, plant and animal--is connected.   What affects one affects all.  A collective energy binds us together, so when one of us is sick or depressed or abused, the rest--unknowingly--feel it too.   The same thing happens with kindness, compassion and love.   It spreads like ripples on a pond.   It's up to us whether or not we're sending out positive energy or negative energy.    I'll pick the alliance over the dark side every time. :)

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"As to the constructive forces--know that the spiritual is the source of health, of light, of understanding, and necessarily the source of all happiness."
Edgar Cayce