We women have got to speak up for ourselves. For far too long we've been in the backseat of life, letting others drive us where they want us to go. Past generations of men AND women have indoctrinated us with their expectations of of what makes a 'good woman.' A good woman is loving and supportive, she does everything possible to make things easier for others, she's always available to help, she's the perfect mother, wife and career woman, and she lets her husband take charge and call the shots. A good friend of mine calls it the "after all" disease, as in "after all, men are smarter and do know what's best," or "after all, it's what women do," or "after all, that's what expected of me." The problem is, this disease of thought often morphs into another far more serious....like breast cancer.
I'm guilty. For far too long I put myself dead last...typical not only of firstborns like me but women in general. Spouse and children first...then job if applicable, home, extended family, neighbors, church, etc etc. That's how I grew up....like all of us did. Some of us have been able to break out of that physically and mentally destructive mold, but for far too many, we've remained stuck. It MUST stop because the stress of that kind of thinking turns inward. It makes us sick, depressed and incredibly tired. It kills.
I made a conscious decision to CHANGE and take charge of my life. It took time, and it was scary as it involved taking risks....taking chances that just might not work out the way you hope. But it's imperative to live a healthy life and make those changes. The old way of thinking sure as heck didn't serve us well. We're exhausted, and just look at the cancer rates. I cringe every time.
Ladies, love yourself. Look in the mirror each morning and start the day with a "Hello, beautiful!" Do something wonderful just for you....join the Y, take that class you've always been interested in, journal, LAUGH, start a new job, and above all, know self. You must learn to love yourself before you can truly love others. Be the best YOU you can be, and you'll find that everything else begins to fall into place. Life 'clicks' and stress begins to wain or even fall away entirely. It doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. Slowly but surely you begin to morph into that amazing butterfly cocooned within and know what else? Joy follows. :)
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